Pour Me Another: Mural Agua Fresca Cerveza

Colorado meets Mexico with this tasty collaboration from New Belgium Brewing (one of our Fort Collins favs!) & Mexico City’s Cervecería Primus. We picked up a six pack of the this Agua Fresca Cerveza this weekend and while it’s not our usual style, the colorful packaging instantly caught our eyes!

New Belgium Mural

This watermelon, lime, hibiscus and agave cerveza was crisp and refreshing and didn’t have the syrupy sweetness that some fruity beers can have.

New Belgium Cerveceria Primus Mural

Much like the name suggests, this beer tastes a little less like beer and more like it’s fruity, hydrating inspiration, the agua fresca. It seems less carbonated than other beers, which means less bloated beer belly! I’d say this light, crisp and refreshing beer is a thirst quencher.

At 4% ABV, this is looking like the perfect sipping beer, great for brunch, lunch or anytime you’re not looking for a fast-n-heavy beer buzz. With a squeeze of lime, Mural makes for a great warm weather beer!


Hi, hungry friends! We’re Ashley & Sean, Louisiana natives with a big love of food! We’re a husband and wife dynamic duo who film & photograph people, places & food for a living. Craft Chew is our food photography playground, inspired by our love of tasty chews, craft brews, and a little nod to our furry pup, Chewy! Thanks for stopping by!